Hi there! I'm Connor, a software developer in the San Francisco Bay area.
Since 2019, I've worked at Google, primarily on GCP's
Cloud Router.
Before that, I studied at the University of Victoria in BC, Canada.
I graduated with a BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics, and received a
Governor General's Medal
for my exceptional academics.
My upper-level coursework focused on algorithm design and discrete mathematics
(see my transcript for more detail).
Thanks for taking a look at my site!
If you have an opportunity you think would interest me,
I'd love to hear from you.
You can also check me out on:
This section lists all of the courses I completed during my undergraduate degree at the University of Victoria.
Spring 2018
- Documenting and Understanding Software Systems
CSC 485A
93% (A+)
- Compiler Construction
CSC 435
100% (A+)
- Analysis of Algorithms
CSC 425
99% (A+)
- Introduction to Topology
MATH 365
94% (A+)
Fall 2017
Spring 2017
- Cryptography
CSC 429
95% (A+)
- Computer Communications and Networks
CSC 361
100% (A+)
- Combinatorial Mathematics
MATH 422
94% (A+)
Spring 2016
- Programming Languages
CSC 330
96% (A+)
- Foundations of Computer Science
CSC 320
100% (A+)
- Introduction to Computer Graphics
CSC 305
96% (A+)
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 346
96% (A+)
- Linear Algebra
MATH 311
90% (A+)
Fall 2015
- Operating Systems
CSC 360
98% (A+)
- Numerical Analysis
CSC 349A
98% (A+)
- Mathematical Modelling
MATH 377
97% (A+)
- Intermediate Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 342
91% (A+)
- Advanced Calculus
MATH 300
97% (A+)
Spring 2015
- Algorithms and Data Structures II
CSC 226
98% (A+)
- Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
MATH 222
93% (A+)
- Introduction to Algebra
MATH 212
97% (A+)
- Calculus of Several Variables
MATH 200
88% (A)
- Software Development Methods
SENG 265
92% (A+)
Fall 2014
- Introduction to Computer Architecture
CSC 230
98% (A+)
- Algorithms and Data Structures I
CSC 225
97% (A+)
- Introduction to Real Analysis
MATH 236
92% (A+)
- Introduction to Differential Equations
MATH 201
76% (B)
- Technical Writing
ENGR 240
87% (A)
Spring 2014
- Fundamentals of Programming II
CSC 115
- The Practice of Computer Science
CSC 106
- Logic and Foundations
MATH 122
- Calculus II
MATH 101
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics I
STAT 260
Fall 2013
- Game Strategy, Interaction, and Design
CSC 167
- Fundamentals of Programming I
CSC 110
- Matrix Algebra I
MATH 211
- Calculus I
MATH 100
- Academic Reading and Writing
ENGL 135
Before fall 2014, the University of Victoria did not record final percentage scores.
Science Venture Online Registration Site
PHP · MySQL · HTML5 · CSS3 · Javascript (jQuery)
Developed for Science Venture
June - August 2015
Each year, thousands of users register for the Science Venture STEM youth programs on their online registration site. This project involved replacing the existing form-based implementation with a new system that would allow users to more easily and reliably register for these fast-selling programs.
I was responsible for the design and technical implementation of the entire registration site, from the database and backend to the frontend and admin tools. I worked closely with program leaders and UVic technical staff to develop and deploy the system, which includes a full user account system, real-time registration updates, and payment processing.
My Personal Site
HTML5 · CSS3 (Sass) · Javascript
GitHub: connor-bracewell/nnorco
April 2016 - Present
Did this just get too meta?
I built this site as both a portfolio for my achievements and a sandbox where I can try out new
technologies and techniques (right now it's being built and served by
Cloudflare Pages).
It's light and highly bespoke.
It has a few interesting features:
- It's designed to look and work great with JavaScript and/or CSS disabled, which is surprisingly complicated even for a site of this modest size.
You try it out with ?noscript, ?nostyle, or ?noscript&nostyle.
- It's also designed for printing, with custom print CSS. In fact, this site is the only copy of my resume I maintain; if I need a copy I can just print the page to a great-looking PDF.
- The domain lets me use the namespace 'co.nnor.bracewell' which I think is pretty neat.